AML CFT Compliance
Requirements in the UAE

The Cabinet Decision No. 10 of 2019 implementing the federal Decree No. 20 of 2018 has raised the effectiveness of the AML / CFT legal and institutional framework of the nation, in line with the FATF requirements and recommendations.
We ensure the significant factors are covered for an effective AML CFT Compliance Program.
Financial Institutions | DNFBPs |
Receiving deposits and other funds or providing credit facilities | Dealers in Precious Metals |
Private banking service | Brokers and Real Estate agents |
Securities, finance and financial leasing | Independent Legal Professionals and Accountants |
Currency exchange and money transfer | Trusts and Corporate Service Providers |
Stored value service, electronic payments for retail and digital cash | Law firms and legal Consultants |
Preparing and marketing financial activities Insurance transactions | Family Offices |